About Us

Meet Bhagyashree

Hello and Welcome to my happy place.

I am so glad that somehow you stumbled upon my website.

I am Bhagyashree, mother to my beautiful son Hiyan and passionate early years educator.  

I was introduced to child development and related pedagogy through my educational training. It was only when I conceived my son in 2019 that I initiated this journey; where I  explored varied, diverse, inclusive early years approaches and found inspiration in Montessori and Reggio-Emilia. 

Though there was material available catering to home-learning environments, it was rigid and did not cater to one’s requirements. So, I tried hands-on materials with more DIY activities.

A few months later, my family and friends suggested that I create an Instagram page (link). That’s how it all began. I received appreciation online and I started helping a few as a gesture which eventually took up professionally. I have met some amazing mothers who have in turn inspired me to grow my work.

I have coached parents with children of different age groups (6 months to 6 years). Seeing their growth was the most rewarding. The appreciation and support I received gave me the courage to make an online platform where I can systematically cater to my clients at home and abroad. I’m passionate to bring awareness about the role of the science of reading in literacy and the CPA (Concrete-Pictorial-Abstract) approach of learning mathematical concepts.

That’s how Blooming at Home is here—to bring home learning in an aligned and curious manner. Thus, our motto is “Blooming at my Pace…In my Space”.

Meet Bhagyashree

Hello and Welcome to my happy place.

I am so glad that somehow you stumbled upon my website.

I am Bhagyashree, mother to my beautiful son Hiyan and passionate early years educator.
I was introduced to child development and related pedagogy through my educational background. It was only when I conceived my son in 2019 that I initiated this journey. This started with exploring varied, diverse, inclusive early years approaches and I found inspiration in Montessori and Reggio-Emilia.

A few months after Hiyan was born, I was keen to explore home learning with him and adapt the principles of Montessori and Reggio Emilia to our environment. Though there was material available for the same, it was expensive and did not cater to one’s requirements. So, I tried hands-on materials with more DIY activities.

A few months later, my family and friends suggested that I start my Instagram page. That’s how it all began. I received appreciation online and I started helping a few as a gesture which eventually took put professionally. I have met some amazing mothers who have in turn inspired me to grow my work.

I have coached parents of different age groups (6 months to 6 years). Seeing their growth is the most rewarding. The appreciation and support I received gave me the courage to make an online platform where I can systematically cater to my clients at home and abroad. I’m passionate to bring awareness about the role of the science of reading in literacy and the CPA (Concret-Pictorial-Abstract) approach that develops a solid understanding of mathematical concepts.

That’s the reason Blooming at Home is here—to bring home learning in an aligned and curious manner, and cater to each child’s needs at a personal level. Thus, our motto “Blooming at my Pace…In my Space”.

About Blooming At Home

“Blooming at Home” is a mother-led early learning initiative. The program is designed to support and coach parents/caregivers to engage the child in rich learning experiences at home.  

Home is the first space that a child encounters and is often called the “third teacher” in the “Reggio-Emilia Approach”. Having a safe prepared learning environment can enhance the child’s curiosity around learning– helping them thrive in these precious early years.  

At “Blooming at Home”, we believe that every child is like a flower that blooms at its own pace. Though with a caring adult in a space where they feel loved, the children can be challenged without any pressure. This work is purely child-led and guides the adult to cater  to their child’s needs.  

Thus, our motto is “Blooming at my pace…in my space”. 

As adults, we can shine our lights on the flowering minds of our children so they bloom heartily. Our home is like the garden where we nourish them healthily. Every flower is unique, beautiful, and delicate and with the right nourishment, they can bloom and show their brilliance of colors.  

I am grateful that through this website I can share my passion and address your concerns. Please feel free to ask any query or question you have. We are here for you.