Unlocking Literacy Together- a joyful journey of phonemic awareness and phonics

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As a parent, there are few joys greater than watching your child embark on the journey of literacy. For me, and my 4-year-old son, Hiyan, this adventure has been a fascinating and rewarding one. What’s even more special is that I have the privilege of being a practitioner of the Orton Gillingham approach, a method that has enriched our literacy journey in profound ways.

Join us as we delve into ‘Unlocking Literacy Together’ with the magic of phonemic awareness and phonics.

The Magic of Phonemic Awareness:

Before we dive into the world of phonics, let’s grasp the magic of phonemic awareness. Hiyan’s journey started early, even before he could read a single word. It’s the ability to hear, identify, and manipulate individual sounds (or phonemes) in spoken words. This auditory skill is a fundamental precursor to reading, and it began with our simple games and conversations.

Our Phonemic Awareness Adventures: Hiyan and I spent countless hours playing rhyming games, blending sounds, and segmenting words into sounds. It was like unlocking the secret code of language together.

Phonics: The Bridge to Reading:
Now that we had a solid foundation in phonemic awareness, it was time for phonics to take center stage. Phonics is the relationship between letters and sounds, and understanding these connections empowers children to read and spell words independently.

Our Phonics Adventure: With Hiyan’s growing curiosity, we introduced the letters of the alphabet and their associated sounds. Every night, we read alphabet books, and Hiyan was thrilled to recognize letter-sound connections in the stories.

Unlocking Literacy Together: Practical Tips:

Our Reading Ritual: Reading together became our cherished ritual. We selected books that blended beautifully with the Orton Gillingham approach, emphasizing phonics rules. Hiyan’s face would light up when he mastered a new word.

Our Interactive Word Wall: In our home, we created a vibrant word wall filled with words categorized by their phonetic patterns. Hiyan would proudly point at words he recognized and spell them aloud.

Phonics Games Galore: Hiyan’s learning was a blend of education and play. We incorporated phonics games into our daily routine. From word-building puzzles to phonics bingo, every moment was a delightful adventure.

Learning Through Play: It was crucial for us to keep the journey enjoyable. We sang songs, created stories, and engaged in hands-on activities to make phonics a part of our everyday life.

Unlocking Literacy Together: Celebrating Progress:
As Hiyan’s literacy journey unfolded, we celebrated every step forward. His first full sentence, his first chapter book, and even the words he started to read independently – each milestone was a victory.

Unlocking literacy is a shared adventure for Hiyan and me, one that’s filled with love, laughter, and learning. As an Orton Gillingham approach practitioner, I have the privilege of guiding Hiyan through a world of words, nurturing his love for literacy.

This International Literacy day, let’s embark on this journey together, nurturing the love for literacy, and guiding our children toward a future where the written word is a source of boundless joy and discovery and empower our children with a gift that lasts a lifetime.